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Category Archives: Real Estate

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Pollution isn’t just Outside

June 6, 2016
You have seen them, the air purifiers they sell at department stores. Have you ever priced them? They are expensive and so are the replacement filters. Are they worth it? Therea are a lot of factors w ...
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FSBO Fizzle: Why For Sale By Owners Don̵...

June 6, 2016
You have seen them, those signs you can buy at the local store that say “For Sale By Owner”. You may have even seen them at a nice home and wondered if you should go check out the house. I ...
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What are you Talking About Terms in Real Est...

June 6, 2016
Having a basic understanding of important real estate concepts before you start the process of buying or selling your home will give you peace of mind now and could save you a fortune in the future. H ...
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Worst Case Scenarios in Real Estate ArenR...

June 6, 2016
Here’s a fact: Single-family homes hold a significant share of all rental properties. Half of all rentals in the Inland Empire are single-family homes, the highest proportion among U.S. metro ar ...
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How Important is Having a Good Neighbor

June 6, 2016
Who has seen the Sandlot? We may not all have block parties and an active neighborhood watch, but the neighborhood we live in can affect our happiness and stress levels in multiple ways. When you̵ ...
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Who Doesn’t Want to be a Mythbuster

March 15, 2016
What is your am usually looking up real estate trends and articles that deal with the actual numbers when it comes to home sales in the local market. I wanted to go a different route for my blog today ...
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Flat Fees Mean Flat Sales

March 14, 2016
Are Flat Fee Real Estate Companies the way to go? I will tell you no way and here are some reasons why. A flat fee company is only as good as the agent you have working for you. In many cases these ag ...
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Real Estate Smoke Signals

March 14, 2016
If all the dire warnings about your health haven’t motivated you to quit smoking, perhaps a reality check about the likelihood of selling your home while it smells of cigarettes will do the tric ...
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And You Thought Your Job Was Dangerous

March 14, 2016
You may not think about it often, but being an agent can be dangerous. Hosting open houses, going on listing appointments and visiting vacant properties are routine duties for a real estate profession ...
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Buyers Need Some Serious Advice!

March 14, 2016
Your mom and dad finally win, you are going to buy your own home. When doing so, having a better understanding of the process and making sure you have a qualified professional agent by your side will ...
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