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Category Archives: San Bernardino

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June 20, 2016
Undoubtedly you’ve heard of Carfax. I have a DVR and I still manage to have to muscle through commercials from time to time. “Show me the Carfax” is the slogan for the website service through wh ...
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Hidden Dangers In Your Home

June 20, 2016
The first hidden danger is in the kitchen. My first job, maybe like most people, was in the fast food industry. I was a cook at a nation-wide chain. I was proud to have a job and it helped me feel rea ...
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What are My House Parts Life Expectancies?

June 20, 2016
Our houses are built to last, but how long? Well, if your house is going to fall apart, what piece is going first? What are the average life expectancies of the core components of a house? I’ll ...
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Test Drive A House

June 6, 2016
Some people are very creative. I have always said, that in any type of market, there are those who capitalize and make money out of it. During the “bubble burst” I saw a lot of real estate ...
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Inland Empire Housing is Still Bouncing Back...

June 6, 2016
It is going to be up and down for a while. We have seen some really good months recently for the resale housing market. January and February were steady and March was still a good month on the rise. H ...
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Worst Case Scenarios in Real Estate ArenR...

June 6, 2016
Here’s a fact: Single-family homes hold a significant share of all rental properties. Half of all rentals in the Inland Empire are single-family homes, the highest proportion among U.S. metro ar ...
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Flat Fees Mean Flat Sales

March 14, 2016
Are Flat Fee Real Estate Companies the way to go? I will tell you no way and here are some reasons why. A flat fee company is only as good as the agent you have working for you. In many cases these ag ...
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Real Estate Smoke Signals

March 14, 2016
If all the dire warnings about your health haven’t motivated you to quit smoking, perhaps a reality check about the likelihood of selling your home while it smells of cigarettes will do the tric ...
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And You Thought Your Job Was Dangerous

March 14, 2016
You may not think about it often, but being an agent can be dangerous. Hosting open houses, going on listing appointments and visiting vacant properties are routine duties for a real estate profession ...
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Here is When You Know You’re About to ...

March 14, 2016
If rent is too cheap, it is most likely too good to be true. There is always a reason that someone would be asking a lot less than they can possibly ask for a rental. The property most likely needs a ...
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