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Air Rights and Mineral Rights

Did you know about air rights? Air rights are the legal ability to use or control the space above a property. Air rights can be sold, rented, or leased to another party. It is the property interest in the “space” above the earth’s surface. Generally speaking, owning, or renting, land or a building includes the right to use and develop the space above the …

So You Want to Be A Realtor

Right after I began in Real Estate, there was a “gold rush”. I received my license at the beginning of 2006 because a friend talked me into it. Neither of us, nor anyone else for that matter, had any idea what was about to happen. We saw an unprecedented market in Southern California. Not only was there a great demand for housing, prices were …

Stimulating or No? Industry Might Not Always Boost the...

This probably doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone who lives in the I.E, but the Inland Empire leads the nation in industrial construction. If you live out here I guarantee that you know several people who work in warehouses. There are so many huge warehouses visible from any freeway you decide to travel on. Most of the construction was in warehouses and distribution. …

Probate and a Living Trust

My parents called me the other day and wanted to talk about a sensitive subject. One that is sad to discuss with people you love. The subject was their home, assets, and what would happen to them after they pass away. Being in real estate, I am familiar with probate and what a time-consuming hassle it usually is. Most people may not know what …

Is Buying a New Construction Home Better?

The first point I want to make is, if you are set on purchasing a newly constructed or going-to-be constructed home, you don’t have to abandon your realtor. Builders can work with realtors as well. A broker co-op is often used to sell new homes. New homes are “Under Warranty”. A used home likely has tired products that may soon need replacing. Your new …

Here is When You Know You’re About to Make Criti...

If rent is too cheap, it is most likely too good to be true. There is always a reason that someone would be asking a lot less than they can possibly ask for a rental. The property most likely needs a lot of hidden repairs. Ask yourself honestly, if you were to own a place and wish to rent it out, why wouldn’t you …

Getting Ready for Colder Weather

Getting Ready for Colder Weather

We are spoiled, yes, here in So Cal we don’t have to deal with below freezing temperatures that often. But the human body isn’t made to withstand the cold for very long. Getting too cold can cause health problems for us and our kids. Although it isn’t freezing, having a house below 60 degrees can be dangerous unless everyone is properly insulated. There is …

House Poor Blog

House Poor?

Realtors usually don’t deliver the best news. Everybody who wants to buy a house, wants to buy the best house in the best neighborhood for the best price. That usually involves someone maxing out the payment they can afford. You may be tempted to stretch your budget and buy that larger home with the bigger yard, but remember: The more you spend on housing, …


Auction Properties Aren’t For Regular Buyers

Ever thought about getting a property via auction? Well it isn’t impossible, but it is very hard for regular buyers. Auctions take place at local government courthouses and other locations chosen by auction companies, such as hotel conference rooms. Homes are also auctioned online. Foreclosure auctions are held by bank-hired trustees. Tax lien auctions are conducted by local sheriffs. There are two types of …

Is It Worth It?

Now, we are required to have insurance for our home if we secure a loan from a bank, we are required to have auto insurance if we finance a car, but there are several forms of insurance that are not mandatory. Earthquake insurance is one such type of insurance. If you live in South Dakota, it may not ever cross your mind, but when …

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