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Reverse Mortgage Information

I remember when I got into real estate, the market was very normal in Southern California. The Inland Empire was an affordable place to live so there were a lot of commuters as well as local economy workers. I first heard the term “Short Sale” in 2007 and I had no idea what it was. I learned quickly and it became very common. Another …

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Curb Appeal Fixes

There are a lot of ways to spruce up your home. There are a lot of ways to improve your curb appeal. In big business, offering ways to make your house look more aesthetically pleasing is a certain money-maker. Who pays though? Well, we do. It is not secret that updating, upgrading, and “prettying up” your house is usually very expensive. Get a quote …

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Radon: A Disclosure Disclosed

Radon is an odorless, colorless gas that is formed from the natural breakdown of uranium in the earth. Though you can’t see it or smell it, radon can enter your home through cracks in your foundation, well water, building materials and other sources, where it can contaminate the air you breathe. Scary enough because radon is actually radioactive, it’s also carcinogenic; radon exposure is …

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There Are More Empty Homes Than There Are Homeless Peo...

I ran into an interesting fact and it seems like a simple solution, of course it isn’t. The numbers are staggering but some states are making a difference. Millions of Americans are homeless, and yet they’re outnumbered by vacant homes and government-owned buildings. A growing number of activists are calling for these empty spaces to be filled with the humans living on America’s streets. …

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How Much House Can I Afford?

One of the big questions when you are going to buy a house, is can I afford it? Well, I should say can I afford the house I really want. There has to be a guideline. Mortgage companies have rules they follow to see how much house you can afford. It isn’t hard to calculate so here are those rules. Maybe this will help …

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Haunted? How to Know.

Ok, yes, this is a real estate blog, but after doing some research, I found out that a main reason some people won’t buy a home that is a lot older is the haunting factor. Coming from a guy that doesn’t believe in that sort of thing, it sound preposterous. I would move into the Amityville house if the price and location suited me. …

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Don’t Get Scammed by Shady Contractors

I recently read a statistic that was crazy to me. The statistic was pretty general but included something we should all be aware of. The statistic said that older Americans lose over $36 billion annually to a range of financial exploitation schemes, including home improvement scams. While home repairs are a standard part of homeownership, they can open the door to scam artists seeking …

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Does your House Look Old?

Trends happen to the best of us, as they should. Everyone should enjoy the style of their current era, but we have the fortune of knowing what the styles of the past are all about. Unfortunately style isn’t eternal, and sometimes no matter how much money and time you invest in decorating your home (or how few trends you fall for), your interior decor …

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Housing Market News for the IE

The Inland Empire is still the Real Estate Market in Southern California where investors flourish. It is also a place where people can buy affordably and sell with way less effort than other parts of Southern California. With that said, newer private housing starts for Inland Southern California remain low and steady. At the same time the index for housing prices continues to rise. …

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Those Pesky Pests: How to Avoid Them

So we will never, and I mean never be able to make any building or home pest free. We can minimize it, but how? I don’t anyone who hasn’t had to deal with ants, flies, lizards, or any sort of pests in or around their homes. I looked up ways to keep your home as free from pests as possible. Summer seems to be …

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